Student Council

Student Council is a group of students from 4th, 5th, and 6th grade who are chosen through an application process.  Students should possess leadership skills, excel academically, and have a desire to help others.  We typically meet once a month, but may have extra meetings when necessary. 
We raise money throughout the year through t-shirt sales and selling items such as pencils, erasers, bookmarks, and fidget toys on our cart.  The money we raise is used to buy things for our school.  We have purchased a "buddy box" and filled it with soccer balls, basketballs, etc. for all the children in the school to use during recess; we have purchased meals for teachers and provided treats for students during exams; and most recently, a bench for outside and a new stop/slow sign for arrival and dismissal. 
We have hosted a kindness campaign where students nominated someone they "caught being kind." Those students were recognized during announcements and received a kindness pencil.  Our student council members also began "joke of the day," do announcements in the morning, and help during programs like Veteran's Day.